Professional Writing Service –

Donna Fisher

Thank you for coming to for your internet writing. On this website, you’ll see a sampling of articles in different styles. You’ll also have access to links of Donna’s work on the internet.


Donna writes on a wide range of topics, but requests that you not ask her to write on sexually explicit material. Neither does she write “adult content” or material based on suggestive themes.


Donna Fisher WritingSome of the services available at are:

  • Blog writing
  • Link building articles
  • Web site feature pages
  • eBooks
  • Editing
  • Informational content
  • Internet research
  • Rewrites


All of Donna’s internet writing is original. She does not use automatic spinners or writing templates for her work, unless you have a format or template you wish applied to your order. Work that comes from will pass Copyscape.

Articles requiring research will have at least 2 sources. There is no copy/paste involved. In addition, all work is spell checked and grammar checked. If an error gets through, Donna will fix it and return the article to you immediately. She will also cite references, if required, and provide links when necessary.


100% SatisfactionGoogle has made some tremendous changes when it comes to conducting searches on the internet. In the past, writers had to write for search engines, loading their articles with keywords and keyphrases, often to the detriment of the content of the article.

However, times have changed. Google’s more sophisticated spiders can tell the difference between content and key words, and black hat operations are shut down rather quickly. This has greatly increased the need for internet writers who can write interesting, readable copy. That’s why you need to hire Donna to do your internet writing. Her writing is flexible, ranging from informal to literary style. It is geared toward the reader at all times, but with natural use of key words as required.

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